无意冒犯第三季 剧情简介

《无意冒犯第三季》是一部优秀的剧情 喜剧 犯罪 海外 类型影视作品,主要演员有:伊莲·卡西迪 乔安娜·斯坎伦 亚历山德拉·罗奇  《无意冒犯第三季》剧情简介:

Follows a group of police officers on the front line wondering what they did to end up where they are on the ugly side of Manchester. Keeping these streets clean is a Herculean task, enough to demoralize even the keenest rookie. But there's a reason these cops are in this force. As the never ending rabble off the local estates pours in, Inspector Vivienne Deering, the station's...

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